Landlines vs. Cellphones: To have or not to have?

home phone service

We are a nation today that functions efficiently because of being ‘connected’ at all times. Aside from the more important study and work related calls, you are available when even your grandmother is texting. No matter what the mode of communication, people nowadays seem to be available around the clock! But with consumers skeptical about spending money on anything more the basic requirements, we tend to question on the need to possess multiple modes of communication. In such times, we ask ourselves: do we really need a landline phone while already possessing a cellphone?

Here are three reasons against pulling the plug:

  1. 911 location tracking. If a call is made from a residential phone, the dispatch centers can find the exact address where landline calls originated. With wireless phones, emergency responders can only figure out an approximate latitude and longitude of those phones. The problem seems small on the face value but is actually not. In emergencies, for instance, when someone needs assistance because they are having a heart attack in their apartment, even if the dispatch center nails their cellphone’s location, it won’t make out which floor the patient was calling from.
  1. More reliability. Living in this age, we all know the feeling of having an important call dropped, mid-sentence, due to a poor cellphone signal. Home phones do not leave you in the lurch.
  1. No running out of charge. You know your mobile handset needs charging but you miss doing the task and the result is your device ditches you right when you need it the most. The reason is lack of attention in our hectic schedules. No matter how dear we hold our cellphones in our bags, pockets, and purses, the fact remains that they can’t stay there forever. We claim these phones to be portable but they become as stationary as a landline when plugged in for charging and even worse, they become as useless as a brick when they run out of battery power!

Yet, we hesitate to say chuck one of the devices entirely. Thanks to the recent convergence of technology between landlines and cellphones, phones have gone a technological step higher with the ‘Connect to Cell’ technology. For anyone who wants the best of both worlds, this is one answer.

So, if you’re seriously entertaining the idea of going solely mobile, remember that it may not be time to cut the land-line cord just yet.

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